Pretty Nicole has finally responded to Emmanuel Lwasa’s proposal to marry her and promises to take good care of her.
Lwasa’s offer to Nicole quickly garnered attention online, given his controversial past and multiple high-profile relationships. However, Nicole’s response was both lighthearted and firm.
In a recent interview, Pretty Nicole rejected Lwasa’s invitation to live with him, making it clear that she is not ready for marriage or a relationship .At just 16, she emphasized that she’s still a minor and prefers to wait until she reaches the appropriate age.
Nicole added that she wants to focus on becoming independent and earning her own money, rather than relying on a man for support.
When asked about her personal feelings toward Lwasa, Nicole tactfully sidestepped the question, neither confirming nor denying any affection. Instead, she referred to him as a father figure.
Lwasa had earlier expressed his intention to ‘groom her into a disciplined child’ following allegations that she was involved in an attempt to disrupt the marriage of Dr. Kulthum Nabunnya and Akram Gumisiriza