Prima Kadarshi, socialite and ex-partner of musician Geosteady, has publicly called out the singer for neglecting his duties as a father to their two...
Prima Kadarshi, the renowned city socialite and former lover of singer Geosteady, has officially announced the permanent closure of her restaurant, Prima Lusaniya.
In an...
Songwriter and vocalist Hassan Kigozi, popularly known as Geosteady, has reportedly been admitted to a rehabilitation facility, according to sources from The Dailyspearug.
It is...
City socialite, Prima Kardashi has disclosed that she was in abusive marriage with ex-husband Geosteady.
While appearing on Galaxy FM's "Zzina Night Breeze" show, Kardashi...
Despite their shortcomings, Minaj Maraji and Geosteady seems to share so much love and respect between then even after their breakup.Minaj expressed how she...