Pressure 24/7 Remanded to Luzira Prison Till Next Month

Prominent Tiktoker, Ibrahim Musana alias Pressure 24/7 has been remanded to Luzira Maximum prison over disrespecting the King of Buganda Kingdom and other country’s notable figures.

He has been sent backack to Luzira Prison till March 7th 2024 after his sureties failing to meet the necessary requirements for him to be granted bail.

Appearing before the chief Magistrate court at Buganda road ealier today, Pressure 24/7 disclosed that his ancestral spirits sent him to reclaim the Buganda throne but the Kingdom had refused to reply him.

Pressure 24/7 was arrested a few days for denigrating the Kabaka Ronald Muwenda Mutebi ii and President Yoweri Museveni.
He was picked on Saturday February 17th 2024 by the CID operatives from his hotel and detained at Kira Road police station.

Tiktoker pressure 24.7 Arrested Remanded to Prison

He was later transferred to the CIS Headquarters in Kibuli until his remand to Luzira prison ealier today.

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Jamal Junior
Jamal Junior
Through experience, I have stamped my name as a well reffered to online brand developer, media expert, PR Guru , a News Editor and a well thought certified Journalist.

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