Biggie Events Suspends Secular Shows Following Mecca Pilgrimage


Hajjat Mariam Mutakubwa, known publicly as Biggie Events, has decided to take a step back from organizing secular music events following her recent pilgrimage to Mecca.

Reports indicate that upon her return, she believes Allah instructed her to cease investing in secular shows, citing that they promote immoral activities such as fornication and alcohol consumption. As a result, she plans to redirect her efforts toward events that align with her Islamic faith, including organizing Quran competitions.

In July, she successfully hosted Kampala’s first Islamic-themed brunch, which drew a large crowd of both Muslims and non-Muslims, all dressed in elegant Islamic attire, making the event a memorable occasion.

Her most recent secular show was the Fred Sebatta concert, held at Serena Hotel over the past weekend to celebrate his 42 years in the music industry.

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