Tik Toker Pressure 24/ 7 Denied Bail Again, to Return to Court Next week


Embattled Tik Toker, Ibrahim Musana alias Pressure 24/7 ‘s chances of being granted bail were yet again dealt with a major blow as the Buganda Road court sent him back to Luzira prison until next week.

The Tik Toker will appear again before the Judge for the third ruling of his case on the 15th of March 2024 as he faces charges of posting and sharing information that was ridicule and promoting hostility against the person of the Kabaka and Uganda’s president Yoweri Museveni.

When first appeared for the court on 26th February 2024, Pressure 24/7 refused to directly plead to 8 counts of promoting hate speech, stating that he was possessed by the spirits of departed Buganda Kings / Kabakas while he made hate videos.

He further told court that he was possessed by the spirits of the fallen Kabakas of Buganda, that ordered him to repair the Kasubi tombs yet he does not have the financial capacity to do so.

The troubled youth further claimed that he has for the past two years tried to write to the kingdom to let them know about his predicament and the demands of the spirits since he is a prince but his efforts have been futile.

Tick Toker Musana pleaded not guilty to the charges of promoting hate Speech.

” Your worship, I wasn’t aware that by posting such videos, I was committing any offences and I beg to be forgiven” Musana lamented.

He then asked the magistrate to forgive him promising to desist from further making and posting of such videos on top of deleting them from his TikTok page.

Tiktoker pressure 24.7 Arrested Remanded to Prison

However, the magistrate instead registered a plea of not guilty and remanded him to Luzira prison until the 7th March 2024 when he will return for his bail determination but still the judge has denied to bail him out of prison.

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