Rival musicians Alien Skin and Pallaso appear ready to put an end to their ongoing feud.
Reports indicate that the two artists engaged in their first peace talks after their violent altercations last week, thanks to Mike Makula.
The discussions were facilitated by Captain Mike Mukula, the Deputy Chairman of the NRM and former minister, at his home in Bugolobi.
Mike Makula, speaking as the patron of the Uganda Musicians Association, explained that he met with the two musicians separately, first with Alien Skin and later with Pallaso, who was accompanied by his parents.
Mike Makulashared photos from the meeting, although Pallaso was not pictured. He emphasized that the talks had yielded positive results.
“I am happy to report that we are making progress,” Mukula said.
This development came shortly after the Uganda Police announced measures to prevent further violence among musicians.