Over the weekend, Lydia Jazmine found herself in an unexpected situation while performing in Ishaka. Despite being hired for the event, the promoter failed...
Alpha music Entertainment singer T Paul has just a brand exciting love song dubbed " Sawa Sawa , featuring Lydia Jazmine.
Lydia Jazmine is currently...
Musicians Lydia Jazmine and Alien Skin faced disappointment after their shows in Canada attracted very few attendees.
They were scheduled to perform in Toronto...
Singer Deus Ndugwa alias Grenade Official was left in disgrace recently after being bounced at just concluded Lydia Jazmine's Concert at Hotel Africana...
Renowned Ugandan Songstress, Rema Namakula sheds light on her relationship with fellow Musician Lydia Jazmine.
Addressing rumors of a purported feud between the two...
Songstress, Lydia Jazmine has accused her former management of deliberately sabotaging two of her highly anticipated concerts.
In a recent interview with a local TV...