Rising Singer Last Born Warns Grenade Official Against Pursuing His Girlfriend

Grenade Official Released From Prison

Rising singer, Last born has cautioned fellow Musician Grenade Official against espousing the idea of snatching his girlfriend from him.

Last born split the beans over yesterday while appearing on NTV the Beat Mic as he expressed his disappointment in Grenade Official.

Last born stressed that , former Team No Sleep is working hard to snatch his girlfriend only identified as Angel, whom they have built strong connection with and she is the know who have been injecting money in his music career and that he is not ready to lose her.

He further cautioned Grenade Official to back off his girlfriend since he has many wealth old women he is eyeing.

Just to take you back down the memory lane, Grenade has on several occasions been put on the spot for getting romantic with rich women who are way older than him including Judith Heard, Zari Hassan ,Vivian Chebet and the late AK47’s widow Nalongo Maggie Kiweesi before their relationship hit a bitter dead-end plus a few others.

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