Gravity Omutujju Criticizes Bobi Wine for Failing to Stop Attacks From His Supporters on His Late Mother

Gravity Omutujju

Rapper Gravity Omutujju has voiced his disappointment in Bobi Wine for not stepping in when his  supporters allegedly hurled insults at his late mother.

Omutujju’s mother passed away recently after complications from high blood pressure and diabetes, leading to an outpouring of sympathy from the Ugandan music community, including a condolence message from Bobi Wine.

In an interview with UnCut, Omutujju thanked the musicians who had supported him during his mourning. However, he questioned the sincerity of Bobi Wine’s message, pointing out that, as a public figure and leader, Bobi Wine should have done more to prevent his followers from targeting his mother with harmful comments.

“Offering condolences is important, but it’s equally vital to show sensitivity during someone’s difficult moments, especially when it involves their parents,” Omutujju stated. “Criticisms directed at me are part of the job, but dragging a family member, particularly a mother, into it is crossing a line.”

The tension between Omutujju and Bobi Wine’s supporters began earlier this year, in February, when Omutujju publicly suggested that Bobi Wine build a hospital at his One Love Beach in Busabala. The remark didn’t sit well with many of Bobi Wine’s followers, some of whom turned their anger on Omutujju’s family, particularly his mother.

Reflecting on the situation, Omutujju expressed that Bobi Wine could have used his influence to prevent such personal attacks. “It’s okay for fans to criticize my music, but when someone’s parent is suffering, it’s your responsibility to tell your followers to ease up on the attacks,” he said.

He also pointed out that Bobi Wine, given his public status and influence, could have directed his supporters to focus on constructive criticism, not personal insults aimed at family members.

Omutujju expressed regret that Bobi Wine had not publicly condemned the behavior, adding, “Don’t wait until someone has passed away to offer your condolences. You should have addressed the attacks while she was alive and made it clear that she wasn’t involved, directing the criticism toward me instead.”

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