Artin Pro Is More of a DJ Than a Producer – Daddy Andre Disses

Daddy Andre, a renowned musician, songwriter, and producer, recently criticized fellow producer Artin Pro, labeling him as more of a DJ than a true producer.

During an interview on Galaxy TV, Andre expressed his disappointment with Artin Pro’s work, citing a lack of creativity and originality in his productions.

Having established himself initially as a music producer before venturing into singing, Andre emphasized the importance of passion and genuine talent in music creation, rather than just monetary gain.

Drawing from his extensive experience, Andre highlighted that many artists often seek his guidance and advice on their projects, indicating his credibility in the industry.

In contrast, he found Artin Pro’s productions lacking innovation and authenticity, comparing his style to that of a DJ merely mixing sounds.

Andre further asserted that while he respects other Ugandan producers but Artin Pro does not meet his standards, as his work fails to impress him.

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Jamal Junior
Jamal Junior
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